26 September 2024

Onthou om rugsteun te neem voor installasie.
Please remember to make a backup before installation.



Saaiplan is ontwikkel as 'n beplanning en rekordhouding program vir gewasproduksie.

  • Saaiplan is Microsoft Windows gedrewe.
  • Detail en opgesomde rekordhouding kan per seisoen gedoen word.
  • Grondontleding, kalk, bemesting, saad, plantbeskerming, onkruiddoders, indirekte koste, verkope en ander inkomstes word gebruik om die gewas seisoen te beplan.
  • Plase, groepe en landrekords is deel van die beplannings proses.
  • Beplanningsrekords en werklike transaksies kan vergelyk word.
  • Saaiplan laat u toe om 'n globale en detail beplanning te doen.
  • Sekuriteite kan nou ook op USB skyf, of enige plek op die hardeskyf of enige plek op 'n netwerk, geneem word.


Saaiplan is developed as a planning and record keeping program for crop production.

  • Saaiplan runs on Microsoft Windows.
  • Detailed and summarised record keeping per season can be done.
  • Soil analysis, lime, fertilizer, seed, pesticides, weed killers, indirect costs, sales and other income are used to plan the season’s crop.
  • Farm, group and field records are part of the planning process.
  • Planned and actual transactions can be compared.
  • Saaiplan allows you to do a global and detail planning.
  • Backups can be taken on CD, any place on the hard drive, USB sticks or any place on a network.