AgriMilk, the dairy-herd management software program for commercial and stud dairy farmers.
- AgriMilk runs on Microsoft Windows.
- AgriMilk is approved by the official milk recording scheme for official milk recording (LNR) (Intergis).
- The program includes the whole herd, cows, bulls, calves and historical animals.
- Accommodates more than one herd, for official milk recordings, on one data set.
- A complete veterinary section is included, which also makes provision for management actions.
- Unlimited breeds and types of cattle are accommodated in AgriMilk.
- The program is approved by most of the breeding societies for birth notifications.
- Electronic transfer of various data, like milk recordings, birth notifications, etc.
- Complete records are facilitated, i.e. milk recordings, calving records, animal lists.
- Complete AI/Breeding recording can be done.
- Numerous hand held and electronic milk recording devices couple to AgriMilk.
- Feed and ration balancing is built into AgriMilk.